Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 7, 2014


ANNUAL SUNDAY 16 - A Word: Wis. 12, 13.16-19; Rm. 8, 26-27; Mt. 13, 24-43 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2 Good and bad. Smile 3. God always respects human freedom 4. Freedom of man - Fr. Joseph Ta Duy Tuyen 5. 6 As good seed. Patience in waiting for! - Father Joseph Nguyen Huu An 7. Thien evil twin - Fr. Joseph Vietnamese Tran Hung 8. Patience - Lm Dam. Nguyen Ngoc Long 9. Wheat and tares good - Fr. Nguyen Ngoc Long 10. Reflection of Father Ignatius Ho Thong 11. Wheat and grass - Jos. Nguyen Van Thuan, 12. Well tares and wheat - Rev. Quang Tuan Bui 13. Pluck go or live - Fr. Trinh Ngoc List 14. Identify the data 15.'s All grace - Archbishop. Joseph Ngo Quang Kiet, 16. Weeds Do 17. Replacing Jesus on the Cross 18. Sins are forgiven - Veritas R. 19. Weeds 20. Wheat and grass 21. Grasses and rice 22. Xin Teacher Award means for example 23. Not later 24. understanding and patience - Rev. FX. Long Vu Phan 1. Good and bad World today is still like a plot, in which weeds mixed with rice. The good mixed with the bad. We just need a little attention could be realized in the parish, in neighborhoods, in families with good people and bad people. Moreover, the same man, but sometimes good and sometimes act worse action. Choose the good and do good and hate evil and destroy the evil, which is popular moral lessons for people of all places and in all times. This unit is easy to say but it applies in practice not easy. Therefore, we need to constantly try, try not to stop. However, the destination that Jesus is not just aimed at those dry cold but also temper the zeal, because the parable calls for patience. Patience with history, with people around, and with ourselves. Do not be sentenced as if everything was finished, there was nothing to say that, looking forward to that. It was damaged was damaged, only to spit up and throw it away. The good and bad brands are fastened where each man forever. The cornerstone of the patient is the nature of the period in which we live. The current phase is a transition and the presence of the Church is an invitation, not a condemnation. The current phase is the preaching of the Gospel. The disciples of the Lord was sent to bring salvation. But at the wrong time and the desire to sin still allowed to operate. Will the next one is called the harvest time, which is the last day of judgment. Then Jesus will stand up to do the job to be done: permanently assign the wicked good, the good bad guys. The healing is still bright in the kingdom of the wicked shall be thrown into the fire, there would have weeping and gnashing of teeth. Patience coupled with optimism and hope. The parable is an invitation to know we look to the future. The disease then go away, then the war will end, no injustice can last forever, criminals can repent and who will find the place disappointed hope. But to believe in the future as well as activities for belief come true. Patience does not mean im waiting arms crossed sitting in a passive state. Christians who believe in the victory of good ones, believe in a beautiful future, believe in the redemptive work of God, who also is a positive action to cancel the bad area and raises good ones. 2. Smile. Upon request, an ethics recounted his life experiences as follows: - The first stage, I was God's hand, leading to the country of operation and I have stayed there for many years. Then he brought me back to the land of pain, where my heart is purified from all sharp stick with earthly riches. Then he brought me to the land of loneliness, in which every little sordid themselves are burned. And then I can go into the land of silence, before me, the mystery of life and death are expressed. Hearing this, people asked: - Is he reached the final stage of the search. House ethics replied: - No where, one day, God said to me: This time I brought you into the depths of the shrine to be going into My heart. So I went to the land of smiles. Westerners often told: A sad saint is a saint so sad. Affordable fun is the main focus in the face of a saint. The Old Testament says: God is the one who makes me joyful youth. This happens because he is fun. Going into his heart is finding his eternal smile. The smile is not only expression of joy, but also a challenge in these tragic circumstances. It was Sara's smile shared between human aging. Indeed, when God said she will conceive, despite his advanced age, she laughed. God often evoked smiles like that, because His ways and thoughts are with the human paradox. Indeed, the life along with the proclamation of the death and resurrection is a series of paradoxes immediate world. When life is running after money, status and fame, He declared: Blessed are the poor in spirit. While ordinary humans causing violence and hatred, he again taught: Blessed are the peacemakers. While the life that death is an extreme misfortune, he taught that was the beginning of grace, is the gateway to life. Today's Gospel passage, we see the paradox of God's kingdom. Small as a mustard seed but will grow to become a tree. As little pinch of yeast but will make up all the dough. Both images are said to power of the kingdom of God expressed through Jesus wants His Church. Starting from a small group of people, the Church gradually gathered all the nations of the world. Constructed from a bunch of ignorant fishermen, the Church has become universal. And undergo persecutions, the Church was still standing. As children of the Church, we are called to put all your faith in God. Move forward in his providential love always supporting us, experiencing afflictions, we are convinced that: For those who love the Lord, then He will make all things are subjected to perfection . With the belief that we are indeed find eternal smile of God. 3. God always respects human freedom (Reflection by Fr. Ignatius Chen Ivory) Some people just wonder why God does not wipe out the sinners and wicked from the face of this earth? Why does God let them live in crime cavalier and continue to cause war, terrorism, oppression, injustice? Who do evil, who mess, God just wipe them off the world will be peaceful and everyone will live in happiness. It was not a simple solution to restore peace and stability to the world there? To answer such questions, Jesus told the following parable: "The kingdom of heaven likened about a man who sowed good seed in his field. When people are sleeping, his enemy is more to sow tares among wheat, then go away. When the rice grow and blossom, then appeared the tares also. servant to new homeowners that said: "Sir, did not you sow good seed in your field stars? That's where the weeds that come from? "He replied:" The enemy has done this! "The servant said:" So you want me to go collect them again? "He replied:" Do not be afraid that when collecting weeds, you do turn on the rice roots. Let both grow together until the harvest. Season to date, I will tell the workers: let's collect the tares, and bind into bundles to burn them, and rice, then collect into granaries for me. "Through the parable, Jesus tells us that those who know of God against the devil sought to sow the seeds of evil in human hearts and bad seeds from her, spreading evil throughout the world. "who sowed good seed in his field, but when people are sleeping then his enemy to sow more rice weeds in between. "the weeds in rice fields dominating young grow up how bad the seeds sown by the devil into the mind also flared alarmingly so. As the servant, after the weeds that grow rice overwhelms young landlady begged to go to protect rice weeds, many of us also desire God to use his power to wipe out evil ward out of this world, for humanity to live in peace and stability., but doing so is' terrorism 'wicked, are deprived of human freedom. healing and God's greatness should he not' terrible father 'who and who also never deprived of freedom that he has communicated to mankind, because if God deprived of human freedom, then he will turn them into a robot or animal species is not free . Animals do not have the freedom to choose good or avoid evil, we only implement the orders of instinct and instinct completely controlled. Where people, despite intense instinct and not just talking the other animals, but humans can use their freedom to refuse the dictates of instinct, the instinct to live beyond the charismatic and despicable. People may hunger besides sumptuous feast served out for themselves, but animals can not do that because the survival instinct requires them to eat when hungry. People may celibacy despite ample opportunity to implement the procreative instinct; but where animals, procreation instinct completely overpower them. When people know how to use their freedom to tame nature, self-employed and good practice, then people become noble and respectable. But when people dominating instinct to freedom, slavery committed itself to vile instincts damaged or used freely to choose to do bad things, people lose their lofty dignity. If people are deprived of freedom, man is no better than robots; robot knows only follow what the manufacturer has installed on its memory. If people are not free, man is no better than animals; only animals know instinctively act, according to which no bestiality free to choose to do good. So God never deprive human freedom whether people use their freedom to cause evil to his kind as to libel God who created and communicated his freedom . But saying that does not mean ignoring God to mankind even go into the misguided path. In fact, he always used the teachings of the Gospel and to enlighten, to reforming, to alert people and he always patiently, very patiently awaited their return to the road in good heart: "Let both large up until harvest. seasons to date, I will tell the workers: Please gather the tares, the bundle into bundles to burn them, and rice, then collect into granaries for me. " Lord, God has given us freedom because only when there is freedom, we truly are, is worthy of God's image. God never deprive freedom that God has communicated to us because we do not want to live like robots or as animals. Please let us know using his freedom to do good and to avoid evil by which they make their children become truly free, high quality, beautiful and holy. 4. The human freedom - Fr. Joseph Ta Duy Tuyen feature more prominent in people's creatures all things were created in the image of God. And the pre-eminent sign of that is the spirit of freedom like that other creatures can not be. It is because of the freedom that people have the ability to do all alone, they must also take responsibility for his actions. This is also the strengths and weaknesses of human beings. People can use the freedom to follow God's law or follow the demands of the flesh and according to his own ideas. Indeed, human beings than any other creature that has the ability to tell the difference between good and evil, know how to choose what to do or not to do, and so the only new person to take responsibility for employment her. There is a fable has it that Satan ordered one day a man shall take one of three things it requires, if not it will rob the soul that. These three things are: killing father, who abused children, drinking alcohol. He mused: kill father, brother beaten immoral thing people do while drinking alcohol is so easy, anyone can do without. So he decided to go drinking. At first he was mastered, but later no longer his master, he was drunk and drug Luy results go as expected demons. He killed his father, who abused children and also many other sins. This story is probably not only parable that is actually happening before our eyes every day. Crime always hidden in our hearts. Fall into a situation that, if not instinctively know self, who could also be a murderer. But this story is not only to raise the left side of the people, it also speaks definition noble in the human heart anymore. In fact, the man in the story was not working on crime as a normal reaction. Ethics and probably should have come to him first. From the deep of my heart, people always toward the good. Beast to devour prey falls asleep still, but people are not like that. Try asking that the killer had not felt guilty conscience, bad actions without human tormented womb? People born inherently good, but the devil always entice people into evil. Indeed, people are torn between good and evil, between welfare and crime. Why is that? Ladies, because God created everything good, but, the devil sowed the bad things in the world. It also sow evil in the human soul. Seeds of evil are cherished, pampered raised by the lack of resolute souls shun evil, lack of autonomy before the unrighteous thoughts should always bad seed flare and a chance to have the it will flourish opportunity to make a corrupt man. According to Christian doctrine, God created us in his image, therefore, the deepest desire of my heart is God. Choose to obey God, we have the true freedom, peace and happiness. When we disobey God, their lives lose meaning, his life is put under the control of the evil and let her be in the pit of sin, just like kites can freely While flying is also tied to the rope, human freedom can only be happy when living in bind their lives according to the law of God alone. However, because human nature was wounded by original sin becomes weak, easy to fall into the temptation of sin, as St. Paul says the words: "I want to do good things but I did not do, and the evil I do not want to do but I just do. " That was the limit of her, we need God's grace through prayer, the sacraments received power to please God increase grace needed to know to do good or avoid evil, and keep us in his grace, which we call the doctrine of grace and the gift of help. So, to preserve his soul beauty is always vivid image of God, we need to pray regularly, diligently attend Mass and guilty if we missed the courage we need to know Penance for forgiveness and thus, God will give you grace to enlighten us to live up to their human dignity more. May God give each of us the courage to always say no to evil, has consistently attempted to steer clear of the temptation of Satan and the faithful follow the teachings of Christ, so that our children are becoming God's children are not dependent freedom by sin passion. Amen. 5. As good seeds (contemplation of the Father. Luigi Gonzaga Dang Quang Tien) this Sunday's Gospel includes three parables of the Kingdom: The parable of the wheat and the tares (13:24-30), the parable of the mustard seed (13:31-32); parable of the leaven (13:33); reason parables (13:34-35) and the parable of the wheat and explain the tares (13:36-43). Three parables have much in common: - Everything pointed to "harvest day", rather than the current situation; - How do the seed / yeast sown in the environment; - The parable emphasizes that the results of seeds / yeast brings to the environment (vv. 30b.32.33). The parable of the wheat and the tares (13:24-30) Contact previous parable, this parable about the kingdom of God continued with story seeds. Unlike the previous parable, this parable is not about the type of soil in which the seeds are sown, but talking about seeds. Previous parable about good land (13,8.23) helps to bear more seed cotton seeds. This parable refers to the good seeds (c. 24), the weeds do not die, and that will generate more particles are collected in barns (c. 30). Another difference in this parable is the interference by external factors: on the one hand is the enemy sowed weeds in rice fields (c. 25); on the other hand is the landlady decided to give rice and weeds grow together until the harvest day, because he knows the qualities of seeds (c. 30). They can divide the layout of this passage as follows: - The starting point of good seeds (c. 24); - Seeds grow with the tares (vv. 25-26); - Rice is well separated from the tares in the harvest (vv. 27-30) The starting point of good seeds (c. 24) Matthew Kalos used the adjective "good" in some metaphorical left as well ( 3.10, 7.19), good job (5.16), good plant (12.33), good seed (13.24), good pearl (13.45), good fish (13.48 ). The images are in the context of the eschatological narrative. Until finally, a tree is born good fruit is retained, not born any fruit or tree bad fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire; good fish will be placed in the basket, alligator was thrown out. Also good seeds will be stored in granaries, while the tares will be gathered into bundles and burned away. Seeds grow with the tares (vv. 25-26) In this passage the form presented, Matthew comes to the appearance of weeds and raised its overall seed in the same fields. "Enemies", echthros, who sowed weeds, as well as the devil, Diabolos (c. 39), who is opposed to "boss", kyrios (c. 28). The enemy sowed tares up the good seeds to undermine the good seed and the seed prevents students left. Verse 25 describes the action in a row and finish the enemy: elthen, "have to", epespeiren, "sown up" and apethen, "have a go". The action takes place in the context of very fast time is "when people are sleeping", en katheudein curious. Matthew often described an incident "evil" takes place while a person is sleeping: Jesus was sleeping on the boat, the storm made landfall (8.24), while the sleeping disciples, Jesus fight temptation in the Garden of Olives, and who is to begin his sin (cf. 26.40-45). Here are aimed Matthew describes it as the devil take advantage of people are sleeping to sow weeds. Enemy sowed tares are in between good seed and the seed grew up (v. 26). In Matthew 10.16 says to the sheep among wolves to be wrong. In both cases showed Matthew seeds and fried not deformed or damaged by this cohabitation. The good seed and tares grow together and they grow their way. Here is described both grew up at the same time. In 13.30, the decision of the owner again, "Let them grow together." Good seed to fruit, the weeds also expose himself. Manifested, phaino, here are exposing themselves to others found themselves (cf. 9.33, 24.30); as a particle, is difficult to distinguish between weeds and seeds. The main theme of the parable of the seed. The farmer has planted the seed, speiro, on his farm. The enemy came and sowed tares more "between seeds"; from epi-speiro just sown up. How to describe this show's purported enemies. However, the seed has sprouted and fruit. Matthew comes to the left, Karpos, as in the previous parable (13.8). The fruit seed proved to be good, so good newborn left (7,18.20), and not affected by growing up with weeds. Good wheat is separated from the tares in the harvest (vv. 27-30) of this section in the form of a dialogue between the landlady and the servant. The servant asks questions, and the owner and dictating replies. The enemy is gone, the servant presented to the owner of the presence of the bad seed in the field (v. 27). "The sow good seed" in the sentence introduction, is now the owner is identified, oikodespotes. This is all part of God's image (20.1, 21.33); Kyrie by which this sense also. The servant question the origin of the bad seeds among farming boss: "He did not sow good seed or what?" The answer waiting asserted, "Well, I have sown good seed." The next question of the origin weeds "Whence have tares?" In Matthew, when questioned about the origin of an event, often shows events that surpass the human mind to understand, and the inability of humans in problem solving (13.27; 13,54.56; 15.33, 21.25). Therefore, do not let the boss made me the way I think they are going to spit out the weeds right field. Only the owner knows the origin of the weeds, but I do not know this, so they have to wait until harvest (v. 28). He called it his enemies, because the weeds had been sown in his field. Government decided deadline for the weeds to grow with the seeds, and when they will be burned in the fire. From syllego, "collecting" (vv. 28.29.30) used 3 times in this short period. The me I want to collect the weeds right (v. 28), but the landlord collecting these concerns will affect the good seed (v. 29). By which he grew to common weeds in his fields until harvest date (c. 30). "Harvest" and "time" associated with each other and eschatological meaning. Main "time", kaipos, determine the nature of the harvest. It is the harvest of the eschaton (8.29, 21.34). Main eschatological wait, everything new is revealed and resolved (13.47 to 50, 22.1 to 14; 25:31-46). Good seed particles are born, there are no weeds; Such boss uses the principle "see the results known tree" (7.18) to show me and I know how to distinguish the action of the day reap. The tares and bind them and burn them, and good rice stored in granaries of the owner (13.30 b.40, 3, 12). God sowed good seed down, and reap the fruits he collected. On plots of God on earth, good seed and tares living. Good seed to bear fruit well, because it's just like new harvest and stored in granaries of God. Parable of the mustard seed (13.31 to 32) Again Jesus spoke about the parable of the other seeds. That is rapeseed. This parable is narrated in Mc Lk 4.30 to 32 and from 13.18 to 19. Canola growing along the Sea of ​​Galilee. Height crops this year changed from 0.6096 m - 1.8288 m. The leaves grow from the base of that up. By season cotton tree bears small yellow lot. Canola oil used as a flavoring stuff (ABD 2,812). Unlike the parable of the good seed, this parable emphasizes the end result of a mustard seed, a contrast to the initial condition. Contrast this character is described by two adjectives mikroteron, "smallest" and meizon, "largest" (v.32). This contrast emphasizes the strong and dynamic life of the kingdom of heaven. Mustard seed grows into "tree", devdron, meaning it is shaped and sized like a tree trunk. Metaphor "birds taking refuge in the branches of it" comes from the Old Testament. 4 books of Daniel and Ezekiel 31 compares the king of Egypt as a huge tree, "itself taller than all the trees in the field, many buds buds, foliage extends" (Ezk 31.5), but the vassal birds like to hide and nest, "On the tree, all the birds like to nest, under the shadow of the scene, all the wild animals flourish proliferation, and in the shadow of it, countless peoples to reside" (Ezk 31.6; Daniel 4,9.18). It is possible in many minds to God imputed responsibility for the suffering that situation, no different from the old question: "Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field stars? Then weeds in Where is that place? " The question is not condemned, but contain the suspect. To answer such questions, Jesus took the teachings of the Book of Genesis: The evil does not come from God. He just planted the seeds of goodness in the land of life. The evil is not only coming from the human mind, but it's already there. The data is also a mystery. For Jesus, the man is the victim of the power which he called "enemies", the "devil" as the expression in the parable: "When people are sleeping, then his enemies to sow more then the weeds away. " At the root of human sin, there is a power seeks to destroy the work of God and act launched its highly confidential. It is evil to take advantage of the darkness of sin and flee to sow di.Thanh Paul said in Romans about the data: The creation of the good God. Satan tempted Adam, Eve, fallen elements, born of sin and suffering and death as the octopus reaching it taps into the earthly, human slavery to sin and receive the punishment is death ( x.Rm 1.20 -31; 15.12). The devil is always there to sow bad. God planted seeds in the world desire peace. How beautiful when all people holding hands to build a fraternal world love the fresh petal. But sadly the reality! Fresh green fields of peace were the weeds of ambition, selfishness, cruelty tarnish. World history is written by the site sadness because at no time without war. The world will know how beautiful if all the intelligence, all the resources, all have the capacity to contribute to building a hand! Unfortunately, a lot of intelligence, so many resources, so much energy was consumed in the destruction, alienation, enslave humans. That's the bad seed sown by the devil sneaky good in rice fields. Good wheat and tares mixed in with the rice fields. The good, the bad intertwined in daily life, especially in the heart of every person. There, the seed of life and death, poison and live together. Each man certainly has his own experience as Paul has ever experienced, "What I want to do good, I do not, but I do not want to do evil things, but I just do (Rom 7,19). People have the freedom to choose right and wrong, choose the good, the bad. kingdom of God also includes the freedom of human beings, there are also bad because the wrong choice. Sensing this truth in their hearts to us in how tolerant view of other people. tolerance is not synonymous with capitulation evil, but comes from a firm belief in the victory of the kingdom of God: "Let the two grow together until the harvest. Season to date, I will tell the workers: let's collect the tares, and bind into bundles to burn them, and then collected in rice granaries for me. "Whether there are weeds strangling the rice well in a long time, but to harvest, the tares will be gathered and burned, and good rice stored in granaries. tares into wheat never good, but the bad can be converted to a good person. God hates sin sorry, but loves the sinner because he waited to place their sorrow for the forgiveness (x.Rm 2.4).'s why God waited perseverance. Wait for God to believe in conversion human. Wait for God to respect the freedom of human choice. Wait for God raising a large lao.Thien hope God will always wait patiently until doomsday "let both grow until the harvest. "tares and wheat are good in the human heart. every person swinging between weeds and good rice, between good and evil, between angels and by choosing the right Satan.Tu God still accept each nguoi.Thien weeds in humans. God patiently waited humans gradually purified and hope all of them will be a good rice. Lord, give me patience and courage to go with God and with others on the roads of life ghap rapids, steep falls in the heart of all faith and hope. Amen. 7. Thien evil twin - Fr. Joseph Vietnamese Tran Hung Everything in this world is relative. The world changes. Life is change. Things change. Political regime change. People are always changing. Nothing last forever. Nothing good or absolute evil on earth. People born radical improvement, but the flesh weak hand toward the bad. In children who have both good and evil. Good and evil entwined with human nature. In society, there are good people bad people, but no one is good or bad overall. Paul's experience of good and bad: "I know that the good is not in me, that is, in my flesh. Indeed, I wish to goodness they may want, but do not" (Romans 7, 18). Good and evil as two-sided coin. The good, the bad can be exchanged for the charity and mutual, there is evil, and evil, good will. It is said in risk, there is a silver lining, and in the garment, there is a risk. Good and evil twin in this temporary life, but the day after all, the good and the evil will be separated forever. Jesus used the parable of the "tares" to describe the kingdom of God. Those who have experience with plowed, sown and cultivated fields which will easily understand the parable. And this is the parable teaching about the kingdom of God, should compare with the fact there are few differences. In paddy fields, often the farmers will have to eradicate the weed before. Rice weeds and trees are very similar. Weeds grow very fast, and eat harmful soils. Farmers have to spray weeds and weed eradication. The parable teaches implied meaning of tolerance and patience of all the evil in people's hearts and lives. Image of human life is clear. Habitat affects the whole person from thinking way, way management, and how to live your life free. Moral one, but there are many levels and many ways to apply. Talking about the kingdom of God, each person receives when Baptism is they are grafted into the Body of Christ. Cultivate the good life of Christ: He said: "He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man" (Matthew 13.37). People live and grow in a specific environment of the society. People are continually implicated odor world through all corners of life. Environmental life on earth there are so many bad temptations toward heaven. Jesus explained: field is the world. And the good seed are the children of the Kingdom of God. But the tares are the children of evil (cf. Mt 13.38) enemy sowed tares is the devil (cf. Mt 13.39). The enemy here is the scandal of people. Jesus called the devil enemies. We have dizziness when looking at the life changing morals. People today are looking to radically change the values ​​of the spirit. The wave of policy in Europe Duy Humanity is stripped of all rights of religious freedom and individual. They advocate an atheistic materialist life. The insurgency craving freedom, gay marriage, contraception abortion, euthanasia, in vitro fertilization and the use of embryonic stem cells places. Culture of death is pervasive. Eroded morality through policy corruption too radical. Many people no longer want to live according to traditional morality and human values ​​anymore. Many groups advocate individualistic set of religious beliefs, moral and social discipline. The impact on the social side of gradual infiltration and rang to call the people back to the wild. These noble qualities influence of Confucianism as contingent as often Tam, Tam chief virtue, merit in itself, you see that strange. Young people today do not even pay much attention to the training of character and ethics such as: Industry, content, language, behavior. The darkness of evil repel every human life enjoyment. Humans are social circle drawn vertically. Contributing technical civilization that pushes him further into the non-stop race. The bad, the good is difficult to distinguish. Looks like it goes well with the ones I love. What I like and I want, that I comply. I do not want to teach others, criticisms or even parents and teachers. This is where my life! If you look, we will immediately recognize the influence of big media. The daily news media from books, movies, television, radio, newspapers, talk show ... or through techniques such as cellphone, itunes, iphone, ipod and ipad. We have invested too much time on the means and instruments of this innovative technology. Love the theft. Sitting there together, but each one in a game and a different taste. Sources of knowledge where the real website plentiful and varied. There are very useful knowledge that we need to learn and hone, but could not avoid the kind of depraved cultural and ideological poison. Paul realizes the parallel of good and evil: By that I discovered this rule: when do the good I want it to appear that the evil (cf. Rom 7.21). What will help us to identify and select the right. We can rely on the voice of conscience, but if our conscience is polluted and learning difficulties, how can we wise to decide? There are numerous types of weeds are instilled in people from all places and all times. Through the gate senses like touch, hearing and vision, we see so many images, incidents and heard many news stories in the outside lane and about three cents. All products bustling gold brass catch just confused as to catch, so we let them penetrate into the bottom of our hearts. Many times when we do not have to remove and choose the good from the bad. We received so many images of violence, bloodshed, death, revenge, robbery, rape, cunning, sexy naked, sex, smoking policy, the profanity, blasphemy, insults, cheating ... It better hustle and evil. Guilt mixed with virtue. The general wrong side by side with the truth. We keep natural companions together. Matthew notes explain: The owner replied: 'No, lest the weeds, and he spit the fire is not always (Mt.13, 29). How can we removed and decisively with bad habits? We will very easily contaminated environment. So close to the black ink, the light near dawn. We must know that you choose to play, read and choose select all that good things do. The tension between good and evil will not stop. The rise strive to always be a pressing urgency. The body and the human desire to keep getting dragged into the street wandering widely. Body wanted to satisfy every dream and aspire insurgency are met. Paul shared experience: "The good I want, I do not, but the evil I do not want to, I just do" (Rom 7,19). Thus, good and evil just like rice paddies parallel mixed weeds. Jesus himself did not want to give up the tares right mechanic. Thus, bad habits in life should be, so as gold fire tried, tried arduous virtues. God does not take us out of the world. Pitfalls still sin, but Jesus taught us to pray: "Please do not let us into temptation, but deliver us from evil." This means that we must strive to overcome the temptations of the devil. Jesus used parables to teach: Let's let both grow until the harvest. And the season, I will say to the workers: "The weeds before you go, and bind them in bundles to burn them, after the new collection of quality rice to make me" (Mt 13.30). We need to learn and cultivate moral virtues to the cloud is not developed overgrown weeds crowding. Truth be told, the basic tenets of us are too modest indeed compared with the treasures of knowledge in science, and social life. We see the self-study questions about the Bible, Doctrine and understanding the delicate interplay of the teaching of the Church is how much. As Catholics, once a week chance to attend Mass, we hear the word of God, sermons and prayers, there is some seed capital perceive. There are some of us still are disadvantaged because of their language skills and cultural limitations, which must be attended by foreign language liturgy. Throughout the week, we did not have time to learn, study or learn doctrine, we will easily be overwhelmed earthly weeds and cover. Bring Christian name, but in our hearts full of weeds pressure. Faced with life, we rely on the knowledge to analyze secularized, judgments and choices. We think that the choice that is right and proper, but the truth is only subjective. Paul reminded: "So there really is not doing it myself, but is still in my sin" (Rom 7.17). Let's review the plot of his soul. Good seed sown in the womb, but seed fell among thorns, have fallen by the roadside seeds, grains fall on the gravel and have few seeds fell on good ground are waiting to bear fruit. While the seeds are sown tares rampant, cherished watch, green development jostle and good seed suffocated. We can not pluck out the weeds around, but we need to cultivate the good seed of God's word to bear fruit. It is important that the seed of faith we can not be buried off, which should always burn brightly in the night. We strive to keep faith and to the end as St. Paul says: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4.7). Whether to walk in darkness, we are not concerned with victims because God is with us. Each person's vocation and fulfill your ministry to aim at the target. We should not delay or give up along the way. Although there arduous journey, painful life and faith have tanked, we just head towards the destination. Jesus promised rewards for those who are faithful to the end. After racing pilgrimage in faith, Paul said: "Now I just wait for the wreath justice; Lord Judge, will give to the public interest for me in those days, and not only for me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing "(2 Timothy 4.8). 8. Patience - Lm Dam. Nguyen Ngoc Long Until now people are often tempted to view life in the division of society into two simple boundaries: white and black, good and bad ... Based on that review to criticize. But in real life where there's as simple as that. The reality of human life not only two boundaries we think of as white and black, good and bad. But there is the line in the middle, on the top floor or below the factors that anymore. These boundaries are difficult to identify this hidden, and often deeply affected more lives, whether someone lives of individuals, communities or the public life of social, religious. That's not necessarily dark surface, is not necessarily clear. They like shade of a canopy over the road leaned down obscure sunlight on one side. Often in higher plant life, much more dense foliage, its shade fell down some widespread, as adage that says: shady tree! Jesus used this image in lectures about the kingdom of God: on the rice paddy fields have the same wild grasses grow together, as in real life fields have the good and the bad with parallel springs where per person. If the farmer has discovered the garden weeds grow wild, but quickly spit or go mow the lawn, then accidentally make rice seedlings well located next to was uprooted, passive, or cut according tops. Such is life positively blocked damage. Lifestyle of farming experience is patiently waiting for the rice weeds grow rigid, then there will be distinguishable than pulling weeds and time, rice has deep roots fluctuated less affected as root wobbly. With human life is similar to this, where everyone is living the good germs. The bad, evil arises in life is the need to stop avoiding. But not so that absolutely must tear down the statue to see a trail of pebbles and stone statues. With the spirit of human life, today may be not good. But tomorrow might be good. Human life should rule, need discipline, it helps remind these people become righteous good. Parents would always wish their children to live a good person. But a lot of real life when they have the stage, no such junctures. And where parents and, therefore, that deny their children anywhere. On the contrary they show big heart patiently waiting his children would one day be lifestyle changes healthy nice. Patience is a virtue of charity. This represents virtue ethics respected heart of God who is the source of life, love and the devotion people together. Patience is wisdom grace of the Holy Spirit bestowed the heart of every believer date Sacrament of Confirmation. In life, though evil sometimes dominating righteous goodness. But God, the Creator, and preservation of human life guides always wait patiently, grace help them return to the good way of life, way of life brings fruit. 9. Wheat and tares good - Fr. Nguyen Ngoc Long (Lectures for Children) The beloved children's children, who in the memory of last Sunday's Gospel, Jesus teaches us in the parable of what? It is the parable of the sower. Jesus Himself is the sower, the seed is the Word of God and our hearts are each parcel of land. If we know God listens intently and implement the results will produce a hundred grains. The injured child, teaching Continuing with the parable today Jesus used parables to teach us? - This week's story is good and the parable of the tares of rice; mustard seed and leaven. In the parable of the wheat and the tares well, you know who the father is the sower? - The sower went good is God. Seeds are? - Seeds are people, human beings, as children of God. What's the plot? -Plot field is the world, is home to live, work, serve. Who are the tares? - The weeds are bad, wicked. As the harvest mean? - The harvest is the date of death or the end of the world, the workers are the angels, good rice barns are being taken, that is, good people, righteous, holy, shall be rewarded, while the weeds are bad people , the wicked shall be cast into hell. The figure shows the attitude of the servants in the parable how? - To destroy the bad guys, want to spit out all the weeds of rice good: "Sir, do you want us to cut out the weeds right now?". More than once, the children also have a similar attitude when others see no good: "God, please God let the bad guys take the money himself ...". The attitude was not acceptable because ultimately jurisdiction of God and not of us. He does not want any of us to perish. Jesus said: "I am not come to call the righteous but sinners call". God loves people, and no one oversight, whether they are sinners. He gives them repentance to the people for forgiveness. If God is slow to resist sin, is so that we have time to repent repentance. But people often mistake, because the fallen devil seeks to sow weeds in the heart of every person. So if we make mistakes weak, then He will give us strength to our brave arose after the tripping times. God desires our lives just as the mustard seed, leaven is to human love. The Lord being merciful to us, perhaps we lacked kindness, tolerance for sinners? God has loved us, how can we not use his love that transformed her siblings? Do you remember the good thief is not the case? - In the last moments of life remaining is the time he received the salvation of God; or the case of Augustine, a debauched playboy youth to become the service of the Church and has the most positive way to holiness ... So what attitude we should have in the present? - Jesus to you that effort and persistence in ethics and learning. The problem is not sitting there that complain field too many weeds. Live the Word of God by their actions. The struggle in the moral and learning today will bear good fruit for tomorrow. - Helps you to find them their errors, they create opportunities for life amendment ... - Always remember that whenever the children to do good, while the children overcome difficulties, learning specialist care when the child Lord sown the seeds of good in this world. - The boss's patience field in today's gospel is exemplary for us. God calls us to humility and kindness especially impatient people. Only one field required to pluck the weeds right, it is from the heart of his bad situation by abandoning every day, and constantly strive to live better every day! May the blessing of the children are always the good seed of God and the Church today and tomorrow. 10. Reflection of Father Ignatius Ho Thong Sunday Liturgy of the Word, especially the first reading and the Gospel calls us to reflection meditation on God's patience with sinners. We continue to read chapter 13 of the Gospel of Matthew: three parable of the weeds, seeds and yeast in the dough evoke the development of the Kingdom. 1. The tares parable: The parable of the tares parable to his disciples as the most unhinged; This is the only parable Jesus asked them. Indeed, this parable poses a serious problem: the coexistence of good and evil, in the heart of the work of God. The prophets of the era-a Messiah and apocalyptic era in the same perspective, the two are mixed under the words "Lord's Day" or "Judgement Day". John the Baptist was raised by this hope: Messiah-a will be the judge, he will choose scavenge "fork handles, he will hover in the yard clean rice: rice construction machine collection into barns, and grain is shriveled away into unquenchable fire that burned away "(Matthew 3: 12, Lk 9: 52-55). Yet Jesus did not come to harvest, he comes to seeding. The main image of the sower in which he describes his mission. The parable of the weeds to understand that his landlady had a mysterious enemy, he acts like a sneaky night who had limited power. The owner did not waver; he calmly awaited seasonal; he knows that he will have the final verdict. Weeds will not stop bumper crop: the work of God will never fail at all. If rice plants and weeds mix that can not be distinguished, it is not a sign indicating that the weeds in your heart infidel troops stars? In fact, hardly a clear distinction between "good" and "bad guys". No one is all bad, and no one quite good in all aspects of both. God waited; He awaited each show off their abilities; workers can have the same hours ... God's time is not over and the period of the delay because he is in mercy. 2. Mustard seed parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed thing or that person took and sowed in his field." Canola is a little seed in the same category. In terms of management, from small seed gave birth to a tree in a size small extent. Yet, Jesus describes a development miracle: a small plant into a large tree that the birds are nesting on branches. The growth of the Kingdom of God and would also like that. Speaking of Jesus' example contains a clear allusion Bible. The prophet has the power symbol of the pagan empire (Egypt, Ba-by-lon) an image of cedars, tall body over every tree in the field, bud, branch foil extends. On the branches, all the birds like to nest under its shade, all wild animals proliferate and to countless ethnic settlements (Ed 31, 1-13). Ezekiel future of Jerusalem elicit the same way as such. God interrupts a flame shoots on cedars growing on the mountain to bring about Israel. The harvest is the end of the world. Harvesters are angels. Then the angels will classify the data fresh, good guys bad guys so that God rewards and punishments: the good is brought into the kingdom of heaven, the wicked be cast into hell. Through the above explanation, we understand the meaning of the parable and can infer the lesson Jesus wanted to teach. Indeed, we can draw three lessons: First, this earth, anywhere, in any era, there are also good data, there is good there is bad, there is must be left, have light dinner, there are black and white, gold brass mixed with egg frog eggs, ... And so, in this world, there is always the wicked good, good bad guys who live together, living together as wheat and weeds in a plot. It is normal and we have to recognize that life is. We often too ideal desire only the good people good, we can not ask God tempered the wicked destroy even the bad guys. This only happens on doomsday only, then will be clearly demarcated: the good of the wicked will be forever apart: the good will be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven, while the wicked will be punished in the Fire Hell. Second, we know: the weeds are weeds hat can bring toxins and death, rice bring nutritious grain and grain to feed you. So each check point: we are weeds or wheat? We bring life or death to another? We think that life skills, health, money we have, how has been used? Use right or wrong? To benefit yourself and your family, or is harmful to you and your family? Have we ever sat squeezed forehead thinking about the times we cause suffering to others? Third, let us remember: this life is temporary life, new life is permanent after. But this life has value deciding the fate of our future lives, that God will be based on the years of the world we live in that we reward and punishment. So, we require to know to choose between good and evil, to do good and avoid evil, can not live goldfish inconclusive, living half lean half fat, run run live so live style brass gold is mixed ie can not just do good by doing evil is. We must try to establish successful, to getting out of this life, God brought us into the kingdom of heaven. Today let us pray to the Lord: O Lord, how many times we have is weeds, harmful to themselves and damage to others. Give us back into the rice to benefit everyone. Please give these bad people become good people and the good people are more and better real good. 12. Tares and wheat good - Rev. Quang Tuan Bui last week parable "Sower" presents God as a farmer sowing his word to release the soul. There are souls like the way, the seeds fall to be trampled people, are not reared its head. There are souls like gravel, dry tough, but seeds have sprouted, but it was sunny sky burned because of lack of water. There are souls like overgrown bush, rice stifle rising, so it is not born any fruit. But in spirit as land rich, lush sprouting seeds, hoping to bring farmers a successful harvest radiant. This week, the parable of the "tares" re-presents God as the sow good seed scattered on the land of promise, but then surreptitiously Satan is sowing bad seed weeds at night. The place on the same fertile soil, wheat and tares grow young jostling, the twisted roots of other trees. Sincere servant smarting from not settling worry, want to ask all fields solved immediately mixed brass gold status. But employers fear that when people gather stomach to rice and decided to wait until harvest. Then the rice grains will be born again put on deck bunch, but the weeds will be cut down wild throw into fire. The parable of the "tares" world picture reveals, church, family, human nature as the ground mixture. Good and evil, good and evil, grace and sin as "woven" together. Can not have a whole society is good or bad person, nor can a whole community is saint or sinner. The patience of all mercies field as a second chance for change and perfection. God always open to conversion and bear good fruit. Parable motivated me to go on a journey into self-examination: I was a fresh green rice plants emerging fragrant flower seeds for life, or is the phrase I'm eating harmful weeds including lush color quality of life? Surely my soul has brought many good seeds sown by God and not by the Satan and evil at the same its servants see them, but certain varieties are taken care of and how things are being buried? I was pulling weeds in my life or I was to pluck the weeds and others are life? I'm collaborating with God to sow good seed in the world today and I'm a hand with the devil to sow bad seed packages into the soul of others? There is a very noticeable detail in the parable: when people are sleeping, spread an evil heart to grasshunt on the field and then go away. Enemies hand without anyone knowing. The seeds of evil in the world hacked unexpected ways. It is recognized only when it grows up and starts destroying crops. Thus the Word of God invites an attitude of awareness. If you forget that life is a constant struggle for better rise up, I will crush evil. If the lack of guarding against the darkness of life, I'll be the devil to control your life. When people say: "Where there are stars" in the books and see the movies for entertainment not modesty a bit; when people thought, "Where have stars" if you hear enticement friends said smoking cocaine smell a little life; when people thought: "why did not" quitting prayers at Mass one day. .., Are Satan sowed the seeds of tares in life, awaiting outbreak and destruction. Not only have the new devil sowed tares. If not awake, watch the next one is hand launched weeds sprinkle another life. There is sowed parents dishonesty, greed in children without known heart. For example, some people go to show off to the home market "sales today she insane or what that rotten little surplus money should co-wrong, good too!" Should have said to each other: "Oh, her mother has returned to balance sales amount for justice", or "lest she should own money to make up for the eyes," or "her e will have difficulty with the shopkeeper, "this hand happy we again obtained short-term gains without doubt has instilled in me the seeds of selfish, grasping; later grow up, we just hope people ignorant, confused, lost position to benefit. Well, action, speech, behavior of an influence as the seeds. If the grain is good, family, society is by how much. Conversely, if it is a bad, painful all awaiting dispersal. On paper there was a story worth thinking hallucinatory forest: A boy had inherited his grandfather play the weekend. He found himself playing with your child engrossed, but everyone there opened my mouth the words are not very elegant. New Cabinet responsible to call me baby: - ​​"I learned to speak thug type of kid does that? From now onwards he is prohibited from playing with things not hear it any more." Grandchildren just sighed and said - "If so, she must break from this game with my dad or what? Grandfather:! (Turns out it's learned from his dad.) O you, God needed them I followed up with him to instill family, community, and the hearts of the good seed. Probably very little grains like canola, but a tremendous performance. Maybe simplicity is the grain silently , but as yeast dough up so much. away the seeds sown Make love, honesty, faithfulness, patience, generosity, forgiveness ... Surely the fruit season tomorrow will be a pleasure Festival and blissful. 13th. Pluck go or live - Fr. Trinh Ngoc List "Do not, afraid that after collecting the weeds, and he always turned back to roots." Gospel Sunday 16, Annual season , in A, according to St. Matthew (Mt 13.24 to 43) record Jesus used the parable of the tares and the parable of the mustard seed parable of the leaven of the Kingdom of God to speak. During this sharing, we only discuss the parable of the tares. characters in the parable of the tares are: The sower and the good seed, the enemy of the sower and the tares, the servant of the sower and the reaper. Let us listen to Jesus' parable of the tares interpreted as follows: "He who sows the seed is the Son of Man. Fields are worldly. Better seeds, which are the children of the kingdom of heaven. Tares are the children of the evil one. Enemies sowed the tares is the devil. harvest is doomsday. harvesters are angels. therefore, as it picked up the tares and burn them with fire, so too the end of the world will also happen that way. Son of Man will send his angels to focus all who make scandals and all who do evil, but served out his water, then toss them into the fire, in which we will have to cry gnashing of teeth . Then the righteous will blaze like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. " The meaning of the parable of the weeds so clear. Icon of weeds is bad, evil, those who perpetrate the scandals and all who do evil; with other symbols of good seed is good, good, are the children of the kingdom of heaven. Here, we try to look at the behavior and attitude of his servants and to all a good seeding weeds out why. When rice growing and flowering weeds are also revealed. These questions servant: "Sir, did not you sow good seed in your field stars? Then the weeds where that come from?" And they have suggested: "If he is willing, I would like to go and gather them." And the boss said, "Do not be afraid that while collecting the weeds, and he always turned back to roots". Just as the servant, perhaps we also wonder: God is Almighty, all-knowing, He knows the devil is the enemy sowed tares in the rice fields of the world, but why God did not take action , no weeding servant go, did God not kill the weeds, who do not kill scandals, the wrongdoer; but for them to flourish and live the good seed are the good things, the good, the children of the sun? Thanks! Why not? Weeds or a suggestion, a good and necessary work; but it is a very difficult job. Difficult because once the weeds roots and roots were intertwined with each other and then, instead of weeds, we turn back to the roots of rice, make rice plants to wilt and die. Where small weeds themselves were difficult, let alone where other weeds! The bad, the good, good and evil, scandal where I have? God is good sowing, sowing sneaky devil evil. Old people also said: "Human radical improvement index". Man is born good, but the environment and society ... bringing people pushed our society in turn goes against their conscience, your conscience. Weeds and rice on living like that, that exists. Without serpent tempted, if Eve did not obey the impulse of desire, where she was kicked out of Lord of Eden! Good and bad, good and evil, your enemies, dark light, peace is war ... two faces of a man, of society, of life ... People are always complicated. We can not divide or bar is a distinct boundary between good and evil in man. In the heart of every person, there are good and bad. Know the shorter straight line curve, so that we still chose winding road that goes. Knowing jealousy is born out of hatred, and yet we still keep a level critics decry. All of us are a mixture of good and bad. Whom we considered to be good, then the potential in the heart of envy, exaggerating their time, arrogant ... and people that we think are bad, then back filled with altruism, love and serve .. . A number of people expressed dissatisfaction previous shortcomings, imperfections of the Church. They do not want the Church to accept the shortcomings, mistakes, do not want to accept the symbiosis between the good and the wicked. In human saints, holy humans and human sin ... So thanks measures scandals, spit the wickedness of the world where rice fields are not easy, but it's dangerous because by works. Small but not to the paddy and the weeds LIVE, it measures how the sower want to apply. So fear God, "When collecting the weeds, you always turn back to roots". Roots and roots intertwined with each other weeds in the soil as well as good and evil intertwined with each other in our hearts. Weeds inadvertently do we uproot the latent goodness in us. Rice roots good, strong root weeds crowding. Once the kindness we have powerful internal force, lush roots, will be able to improve where goods are evil weeds. Gospel and church history shows has proved countless sinners become saints. Without weeds, maybe people will forget or not bother to do much rice! Living with weeds is an opportunity for advancement rice ... 14. Identify the data. Attitude boss in the parable of the Gospel passage just listen to the situation and not be reasonable. Indeed, there are farmers that he did not take the time to go spray, or to spit, but just let weeds indulge in their fields. However, if we understand that he is the boss of God and weeds are sinners, then we see this behavior was amazing, just the situation, the reasonable moderate. Yes, his accomplice and not tolerate sinners, but treat them according to tolerance and kindness. He waited patiently for big sinner repent and convert. If God destroy evil right now, then surely no one of us can survive, because in the words of Psalms describes: From the womb, I have sinned, at first born, I have been guilty of it. And as we all know: Love is patient, God should always wait goodwill conversion of each person, and He also gives grace to support them every step on the road of life, and finally, the day Judge arrived, the day of his trial and absolutely no one can blame him for not mercies. If God does not tolerate evil and conniving, we are not allowed to sigh and bored, frustrated and give up, but to try to become collaborators in building the kingdom of God. Indeed, boss affirmed: - our enemies have done so. So, our first step must be to identify evil. Criteria for identifying evil is not ourselves with private interests, but to the Gospel, to the demands of God. In the light of the Gospel, whether we realize what are the signs of the evil raging in the heart of every one of us, as well as in the world today or not? After watching the movie "Under the Sun of Satan", in an interview, Father Bourgeois has taken the sign of evil today, there is contempt and rob people of their right to life; idolatry attitude as money, power, pleasure; live in the illusion that because science can solve everything; lose hope, no longer look to the future and finally lose themselves, no longer knew who I was anymore like. Thus, the evil can be hidden under many faces, sometimes the faces are so cute, charming and very attractive. However, the present data not only on the level of the world and the human community, but also present day in our own hearts. Because our hearts are like a plot in which the weeds of rice mixed with good. The problem is how to seed the kingdom of God has God sown in our hearts germinate, grow, flower and fruit stabbed. Therefore, we must try to consolidate itself and shows the values ​​of the Gospel in our lives, because the contribution to the creation of the Kingdom of God must be initialized from itself every of us. 15.'s All grace - Archbishop. Joseph Ngo Quang Kiet. Is a parable of the tares of the parable the Lord rare clear explanation. Explanation of God making us useful insights for religious life. The parable reminds us about the presence of ghosts. The devil exists. We are always there to sow bad. God had prepared the plot well. The fields that are in the world, the Church, and that every human soul. Lord sowed the good seed. The seed is the word of God, the grace of God, is the goodwill, the noble intentions of the human heart. But the devil sneaks into the seed sown bad. God planted seeds in the world desire peace. How beautiful if all peoples join hands to build a fraternal world love the fresh petal. But sadly, peaceful fields of fresh green grass was ambitious, selfish, cruel tarnish. World history is written by the page saddened that not a day without war. How beautiful would the world if all the intelligence, all the resources, all contribute capacity building. But sadly, a lot of intelligence, so many resources, so much energy was consumed in the destruction, alienation, of human slavery. Even in each one, not a lack of initiative, see the original works well, but gradually as the muddy smell the deformed mundane as bragging, find vanity, seeketh. That's the bad seed sown sneaky devil good rice fields. However, the parable shows the patience and generosity of God. God waited until doomsday new collection of rice with weeds. God waited patiently hope for sinners repent. God forgive not tolerate sinners fired immediately. God loves, believes the bad days will be good. If the fine immediately, but where sin, we also admire his chances holy thief. If God did not harshly, we St. Magdalene, Apostle of the Apostles, St. Augustine, the famous Dr., St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles. If God accept ourselves guilty, the penalty will be the first, because in us is full of guilt, the shame. In our hearts the weeds still grow rice mixed with good. Finally, we understand the parable for all of God's grace. There are good things to our understanding of the goodness and love of God. There we abhor evil to shun more and more attached to the good. There is good and we enjoyed the sweet consolation of God. There are evil we strive to overcome, prove our faithfulness to God. There are advantages to advance along the road of holiness. Is it difficult to do more practice virtue. Everything should be good for the good. Indeed, the prohibition of religion is evil. But the Church whereby the heroic witness. Suffering and illness are flaws in life, but to help people to be part of the Lord's sufferings. St. Teresa saw all of God's grace. The good as well as evil. Happiness and suffering. Successes and failures. They all contribute to train, nurture and promote healthy persons. IMPLICATIONS FOR SHARING 1) When encountering bad people in parishes, in associations, you want to expel him immediately not? 2) In your human weaknesses, the disease, you have to strive to overcome these shortcomings, overcoming illness to advance themselves not? 3) Jesus was tolerant, you waited patiently for repentance. You have patience with others? 16. Weeds do not. (Quoted in 'Manna') Reflections Where the weeds that come from? Weeds in fields that astonished servants. Only fields which are sowed good seed. So that when the rice grow and blossom. of the first weeds to show up. Whence have weeds, bad people? Where did the idea is in place we stopped unexpected signs of cloudiness? Is there any bad effects of evil spirits take to push? Consent under the direction of the man? He does not want us to go spit? Does God want us to kill all bad guys? He wanted us to build a perfect church, a society that consists of people well? Much as we impatiently as John and James, requires burning a village of the Samaritans, because they are not in the Lord. Do not be afraid that when weeds, damaging the roots. Let both grow together until the harvest. So God let the grass grow with rice. He accepts mixed brass gold status. His patience with sinners, with weeds. Weeds of rice never been. But bad people can be good conversion. That is why God kept waiting perseverance. Waiting for information on the man's conversion. Waiting for respecting their freedom of choice. Waiting for raising a great hope. The holiness of God is where the wait. He also wait till doomsday. In the world and the Church does not have two classes of people: class rank weeds and rice well. Tares and wheat are good at heart where each person. Each swinging between weeds and good rice, between good and evil, between angels and Satan. Even in the behavior of my best, I still feel a little selfish, appropriating. God is perfectly acceptable in my weeds. I wait for him gradually purified, and then everything in me into good rice. Christians not tolerate evil, sacrificing them to build a world of love. But they do not use violence to resist evil people. They patiently change hearts enemies, because they believe in the power of love, believe in Jesus, who was swallowed by evil but who is ultimately victorious. Share Your Tips Have you ever been "shocked" before a scandal occurred in the parish church or you do not? What did you do to overcome that shock? You can see his little patience before the weeds of others, but do not see where your weeds? Have you ever demanded the expulsion of others because they do not make mistakes? Prayer Lord Jesus, change me, change me slowly through prayer. Every time I see you, please change the eyes. Every time I receive you, please change the lips. Every time I hear the word of God, please change your ear. Please make the face more radiant after each encounter with God. I wish everyone a fresh definition of God found in the smile of the child, that tenderness of God in human words. The world today can not be Christians face discouragement and frustration. Please let me know the patience and courage to go with God and with others on the bumpy roads. Amen. 17. Replacing Jesus on the cross. (Quoted in 'Share Joy') story is that he is hiding from it Cebastien name often to pray in a secluded chapel on the mountain. In this chapel people venerate the cross with a subject title is "The Lord's grace." Seeing people of faith to pray for blessings often, he Cebastien also more confidence. One day, the time empty, he knelt before the crucifix and statues single sincere prayer - "Lord, I desire to share Christ's sufferings, let me be the place of Jesus on the cross." Then he knelt quietly, staring at the crucifix forward answer. A moment later he heard from on the cross as a voice said: - "Well, I am willing to replace the TQA on the cross, but with a unique condition that whatever happened, what my ears hear eyes what you see, you have to remain silent is not saying anything at all. " Cebastien He has promised, and for Jesus to replace him on the cross. Day by day, people still came and knelt in prayer before the crucifix. But no one knew about the place or house exchange between Jesus and he Cebastien. One day someone came and knelt in prayer. Finished, he stood up out of the bottom left seat bag full of gold coins. Seeing this, he remained silent. A moment later there are hungry people in the chapel. He delighted gawking pockets idea of ​​God is given, then the money bag away. Then there is the young man on his knees emergency shelter please pray for the ship to go away. The young man just out of the chapel to meet rich man looking back pockets. No where to be seen, he thought the young man had stolen, he should tune to the police. Could not help anymore, from the cross, he Cebastien shouted loudly: - "Stop!"; People are surprised stopped, and teacher to explain things. Then the rich man seeking to regain the poverty pockets and the young man also rushed to catch the train to leave. When no one in the chapel, Jesus spoke spoke to him Cebastien: - You go right down from the cross! I do not deserve the place for me, because I did not know the words to remain silent as promised. Cebastien He hurried to explain: - But my God, how can you tolerate injustice that? Dear brothers and sisters, many impatient when we do not bear good before the bad guys phenomenon confused coexistence, good weed and grows rice paddies jostling in the world. We ask the question: "Does God want us to throw away spit no grass? Does God want us to destroy or expel the wicked, sinful from the community not?". God replied: "Let it, or wait until the harvest will." The parable of the weeds in rice fields have hit wonder in view of the Jews and the followers of Jesus: How the Kingdom of God, kingdom of God could rice mixed with weed is better? How did Jesus preached the coming kingdom and without even a phenomenon who prophesied evil, sin must be destroyed. Isaiah also proclaimed dream and a "People of God includes only the righteous" (Isaiah 60.31). And even John the Baptist, preparing for the day Jesus appeared also preached: "He was holding the fork in hand ready to clean wheat roots in the field: his best recordings rice barns, and Caleb rice, husk garbage, he will burn with fire is never off "(Mt 3,12). So that He, the Messiah and Savior derailed flipping away; There's destroy the sinners, the research also remove their worry. Rescue removed the things women caught in the act of adultery, both things that people label money for the fine weather, to carry the project from the womb disability: blind, lame, lepers, people are disgusting Instead of avoiding ... should only allow a few people have the most senior positions are almost new with his party, he ventured to go drinking with sinners and dishonesty. For the enemy, supposed to be implacable and destroy the new radical right, and new wisdom is true religion, this paradise also requires him to pray for it, to love it even. Today, with the parable of the weeds in rice paddies, Jesus answers these questions and have deep sentiments revelation of God: except who sees the human heart, no one is authorized to ordain case to the trial judge or brother who is ranked the rice well, who are the weeds. How long are living longer, there are choices and actions, humans have not yet reached the level of fixed vices have expired or become definitively evil. Brothers sentenced hasty action is contrary to the program's heart and God's salvation: bad weeds between cotton silk dress season is hungry and not God destroy rice fields and harvest his. Next is the parable of the mustard seed and two yeast in dough, two twin parables and carry a meaning: the parable of the mustard seed is the tree, used as a spice (moutarde): Also just fragrant mustard seed medium concentration , is a familiar spice in many parts of the world. In fact, the tree improved only very limited development, but to interpret Jesus as a tree that has the ability to magically grow into large trees for the birds to build nests, to talk about the same dimension hybrid magic of the kingdom of heaven. The parable of the leaven also implies a similar meaning. A little leaven, not significant compared with the amount of mixed powder, enough for hundreds of people who eat it. The number of yeast so humble, so quiet effect, but the effect is extremely wonderful, intense. Both parables is still a ways, a policy: the silent small step, but a potential germ vitality, exceeding all estimates and win all enemy resistance. The important factor is still time and love of God. God's patience waited to harvest rice weeds. That's because the love of God perseverance wait sinful man back. His time waiting persistence is to actively create optimal conditions for raising rice seeds, the mustard seed into a tree, the germ of life multiplied, and the yeast into yeast and dough, the dough up to do so bread of man. In general, all three of today's parable is an invitation to know we look to the future, the news in the future; waiting patiently associated with trust in the future. The disease will eventually out, war can end. Injustice and discrimination will not last forever. There heinous crime to be the unpardonable not? Amen. Just heard the Gospel passage, we come together to keep the main idea of ​​Jesus. Facing great gift that we have a definitive stance and must have a clear choice: Go with God or go to the devil, we can not ambivalent, caught two girls, and inconclusive and neutral. Why did God give back to like? And our part, we are the class how: good rice or weeds. If the rice is good, whether we are really in love or not clean. We have friends that are actually set by God or not? We have the weakness errors and does not? Can we be sure that we will not fall or not? If we appear tough on sinners, we will become the Pharisees of Jesus were convicted of their hypocrisy. If you are not aware of their errors, we can easily go to places that do not betray God's knowledge. The more are the good children of God, the more we have to behave generously with others. However, in reality, when we desire to be punished sinners, the Lord did not want to do that, because as the Bible says: - I do not want to die for sinners, but want it to eat contrition and live. He died on the cross for the salvation of sinners. He pursues sinners with compassion and grace. His joy is to lead the sheep astray back to his herd. Surely we would be surprised to hear Him: - All heaven will rejoice because a converted sinner than over ninety righteous even without repentance. And he concludes with a moving image, the image of his father welcomed the prodigal son returned. Let us not despair and loss of confidence that we as Judas. But with a little goodwill and under the influence of God's grace, it is likely we will become like the good thief on the cross, stole into the kingdom of God himself moments after the end of his life. There is heavenly saints have started from a point of darkness, is not worth much praise. However, one condition is that he knows the rise and turned to the Lord, has done to his life and loyalty to God forever. 20. Wheat and grass. In Scotland, vocational agriculture was modernized with modern machinery and techniques, but also a job that needs to be done carefully by human hands. A few days before the barley harvest season, you will see a large number of people walk across rice fields to pluck the wild rice. Barley is the main source of agricultural food supply for the people of Scotland. Another popular dish is preferred over the country are dishes made from barley porridge, called oat meal in America, a breakfast dish and easy to cook, healthy nutritious without causing increased fat cholesterol in the arteries. Therefore barley harvest is a very important activity. It is very simple that the farmers have to do is pluck the wild barley from rice fields before harvest. If to this wild rice plants during harvest, the seeds of it will drop down and flooded fields growing up in the coming season. The difference between wild rice and barley was very subtle. Only after two working days, you will know the distinction. Oddly, wild rice is usually larger and healthier than rice so do you think that should keep them. However, careful observation will show that the branch and long grain wild rice, but the underdogs. This helps us to understand why farmers have to wait until the new harvest season to go pluck the wild rice, because only then will you be clearly distinguished. Today's Gospel, Jesus uses the image of agriculture to describe the world, the Church, the Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of God, through the parable of the tares, the parable of the mustard seed and yeast parables in powder. Each parable speaks a different aspect, read everyone understands easily. The person in charge of the show funny humor storytelling habits often begin in the story as follows: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have some good news and some bad news you would like to send." There is an imaginary dialogue occurs as follows: "A friend met that man and said:" I've hit some tens of thousands of dollars. "Friend replied:" Very well. "" No, when to Switzerland Officers snowboarding game I've already used up, and also broke his leg, too. "" Bad too "." No, hospitalization time, I met and loved a beautiful nurse, and I have been married her. "" Very well. "" No, but unfortunately she did not like in the U.S., and require us to stay in Europe. "" Bad too "." No, we buy houses in Paris and for a job for exporting firms. "" Very well. "" No, the company went bankrupt, and we missed the "." Bad too "." No, in distressed circumstances, I refer to section purposes, the value of his life and find that I lived aberration. "" Very well. "" No, my wife did not accept my opinion, and we gradually separated. "" Bad too " . "No, marriage is in crisis now, we come to the marriage counselor to help us realize the power of God's love." "Very well." "No, because we are so focused on God should have lost most of friends in Paris and causing contact with parents and wife." "Bad too". Specific continuing. At best, a bad time. That's life! Good and bad go together: "For he makes the sun rise on the bad guys as well as the breakfast good, and the rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." We often say "The whole multitude decade". No one is perfect. No one is a saint until heaven. Each of us carries enough lovelorn Hi (fun), wrath (anger), who (sad), specific (fear), charity (love), O (hate), sex (want). With this much emotion in human hustle is hard to be perfect. The soul and personality of each person is a blend of wheat and tares. According to Father Tommy Lane, on a church door in the west of Ireland, wrote the following sentence: "The Church is not a club for saints but a hospital for sinners" . This statement is in accordance with the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the tares. Church is a blend of wheat and the tares among the holy and sinful. Be patient with sinners. Do not judge others. Let God judge. Word of God warn us, "Do not judge, so as not to be judged ... O ye hypocrites! Take the beam out of your eye first, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your eye brothers ". 21. Grasses and rice. The Gospel tells three parables of Jesus: weeds, mustard seed and yeast. Hearing God speak three parables, but only his disciples ask Jesus explained the parable of the tares, and the Lord has explained away the good sower is God, the seed is the people, the people, are the the Lord, the world's fields, where live, work, serve, weeds are bad, the evil, the harvest is the date of death or the end of the world, harvesters are angels, they are good rice collected in barns, and that is the good, righteous, holy, they are rewarded, while the weeds are bad people, evil people are thrown into Gehenna. Listen or read along with the parables of Jesus explained, we see the situation understandable and reasonable. This world has good people bad people, good people who live data together, living together is normal. There's no place is full of good people and no place is full of bad people. But there is a difference: the weeds, because it is the nature of weeds, grass bad, so tuned it could not be turned into good rice. Also, the rice is always able to plant rice, the only thing is that it more or less grain, but never turned into the weeds. For humans, it is not so: human nature created by God is good, "the charity's property index": birth, good human capital, but with time growing up, people still become good or bad, that is a good or bad man is due to added or lost. Some rice is good before, now is the weeds, on the contrary, there are the weeds before, now is a good rice. Of course there is also the rice is always good and the people are always weeds, or those when the rice is good when it is weeds or vice versa. It is important to die, people are in no condition: good weeds or rice? It is the responsibility of each person. The main factors responsible for this, as well as the ability to transform bad into good and bad, so we must try to reduce to the maximum level, which is the lowest level that is evil, sin, ie weeds, and increased to the maximum level, which is the highest level, most of what is good, holy, ie good rice. Moreover, in everyday life, in addition to trying to reduce weeds, add the rice well, that is, less thought, word, bad jobs and increase the works of mercy, each person must also try how to be swept blindly hand, ended his life in the state since the rice is good. In this life, we often see little perverse justice wins, but in the next life, then all debt must cover all injustices will be flattened rice well, the good news is, there will be improved lovingly gathered into barns, and that is to be deserved reward. And the weeds, that is bad, will be thrown into the fire to burn. The story between good rice weeds assured us of vengeance justly in later life: the good will be rewarded, bad people will be punished forever. Thus, good or bad, is rewarded or penalized by the each of us. So at the end of the parable Jesus said: "Whoever has ears to hear:, meaning that God wants to remind us that we are mind, there is wisdom, we can distinguish between harassment, false leg, right and wrong good, bad, do not have to live or live nefarious act, we must know the true living God, we must use the mind, the intellect to live according to God. how we live based on God's will to reward or punish them for us. summary, in the fertile fields of human weakness is our good wheat and the tares, ie virtues and sins, virtues and vices ... always insert pressed together, fought together. therefore, we must be awake and fight to eliminate weeds, sins and vices, while protecting the good rice, virtue and our happiness. Having so harvest time, which is when we close our eyes sweep hand, we would be God's word tells us lovingly: "O good servant and faithful, go to enjoy the joy with thy God." Please God tells us to live according to the word of God we are filled with loving words of God above. 22. Would you explain for example. A 13-year-old baby while people chase, because children with leprosy should lose the right to community living. An evangelist passing out suddenly saw this, he felt heartbroken rush to defend my car. Missionaries not only defended the unfortunate baby. Which also brings me to my heart to care. Weeping and touching, I asked the missionaries: - Come with me why he so good? Baby missionaries called by him, because this is a Catholic priest working in the pastoral village beside the patient. - Again why do good and give me such anxiety? The missionary replied: - Because God the Father created me and created you. All of us are created in the divine image of Him, and love Him fully, He wants us to love and solidarity. As he himself has sent his only Son, Christ came to earth to help each of us live worthy of their dignity as children of God. Thus, taught to obey his father for child care. And from that 13-year-old baby leprosy was not only not forget the gesture of the missionaries, but also would like to make disciples of Jesus and used the remaining years of my life to take care of the other lepers heavier children to the center of the lepers missionaries. "I must obey him, please take care of the father. Yeah it God, I serve you". That is what God the Father through images of the sower in the Gospel today where the expectations of the disciples of Jesus Christ, who has led the seed of grace and God's Word in their lives. The story of missionaries anonymous leprosy and other baby is one of numerous specific examples and also is one of numerous specific facts to demonstrate that, for generations still bear God's word the witness of love, the good fruits in human history and in the history of each person. Does not the word of God bears fruit is the main reason people who ignore, hate, want to strangle seeds of the Word in our hearts and in the hearts of brothers and sisters, not God stop sower, not bestowed His blessings, His Word is not distributed to people. Indeed, God may continue to carry out His work of grace poured out to His Word and to the people, but the people refused to accept him. Environment we can live longer more challenging, many temptations and many other obstacles to the Word of God is fruitful. But if in the environment so that your disciples live resolute commitment to teach His Word, change his life prior to becoming a good plot for fruitful Word of God, then surely our environment life will be transformed nicely. With the power of the Word of God's grace, Christians can turn into social fields lush fields full of ripe grain and bring food, clothing prosperity and happiness for human beings, brothers and sisters around . But if God's Word is not rooted in the hearts of Christians, at that time, they could have made the field of the social cloud fields deserted, overgrown grass squint, violence, hatred everywhere create confusion and unhappiness for you. We are Christians who have received the seeds of the Word, so every Christian has the responsibility we have to make the Word of God is fruitful. So, please do not sit charcoal, do not blame the social history of his people, but it takes advantage of all the events, all the graces of God's Word to make the word of God bears fruit good, life changes his life change you and witness to God's love. May God keep us together in love and faith which we now profess together through the Creed. 23. Not late. Rev. Martin Luther King, the struggle for freedom for black slaves in the United States by the non-violent method tells the following story: We had the opportunity to visit the southernmost state of Kerela in India. One weekend afternoon, we went to the beach-Cap Comorin, often referred to as "the End of the World", because this is the last promontory of the Indian subcontinent, bordering the Indian Ocean. Before our eyes is the ocean, with the undulating waves. It is called the rendezvous of three seas: the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Sitting on a rock jutting out over the water, we felt he was attracted to the immense sea. While the deluge waves on the cliff, creating a rhythm tracks, then west, we see the bright red sun is slowly going into the sea. The sun was almost dead, I struck my wife and said: "Look, Martin, is great, is not it?" I looked around and behold the moon slowly up from the sea while the sun slowly go down the deep sea. As the sun sets, darkness covers the earth, but from the east, the moon rises, brilliant, dazzling. As the sunlight faded and shoves us into the thick darkness, is like the time of evil and evil abuses, makes us a victim of dark forces. But look to the east, we will see a glorious glow even in the dark. And the black night as clear as day. That's when the good is good and strong rise. If there is daylight at guiding us smoothly, there is also a night light that leads us, when three hurricanes style. Both must co-exist to accompany us to the eternal light of God. Jesus in today's gospel affirmed the stance of God through the parable of the tares and wheat well. Full of weeds I want to go, but the boss said: "Let both grow together until the harvest." Since the original forbidden fruit swallow it as evil and evil octopus hose to reach all areas of human life. It's persistent, stubborn, tenacious, not easily forgiven if we do not resist violently, definitely. That is why the Bible the serpent symbol used to describe the act of evil cunning always sow discord in the harmony rhythm of human life. In the parable of the tares, Jesus insists on the presence of weeds is because our enemy has sown in paddy fields. Whether that enemy is Satan or by the abuse of human freedom, the weeds always bring disaster and death. Whether there are weeds strangling the rice well in a while, but the time of harvest comes, it will be collected and burned. But good rice was stored in granaries. Whether to keep the weeds and the wheat grow well together until the harvest, but is not to condone evil for evil and abuses. God has his plan of action: In the journey of every human being, weeds still grow rice with good, evil still live with the good, there are still dark and light mixed. It is a permanent struggle between good and evil. In the hearts of the faithful and good rice weeds roots still intertwined. Paul expressed this truth when he writes: "What I want, then I do not do, but what I hate, I just do." The tempting believers in a state is not a sinner, but also not looking for the holy. When fighting against evil, we fight not alone, God fought for us, as a loving Father. But who does not intervene to destroy an evil storm, because he has given us the freedom, and because we are the people responsible. The data does also have the collaboration of man, sin always carries the fingerprints of accomplices. Eve did not sin if she reached out to pick the forbidden fruit. To save people always fall, God has to be patient, waiting for the conversion but their slow. God loves people, and do not forget one who survived, whether they are sinners: If God proved slow to fight evil, is for us to have that time to renew repentance. If we make mistakes weak, then He will give us strength to rise courage after the tripping times. If you have to walk in darkness, because darkness lost hope, then he will be a guiding light for us to faith. God hates sin but contempt loves the sinner, where they wait for a dog to get him sorrow for forgiveness. God tolerance, generosity is not to condone the sinner, but to give them time to awaken that return. God was generous with our patience. Why should we tolerate the lack of logistics sinners? God has loved us, how can we not use his love that you converted? Relatively merciful heart of God want to drag us into eternal homeland. But not a single journey. In contrast, a festival steeped in love, filled with laughter. 24. Understanding and patience - Rev. FX. Long Vu Phan 1. - Context short introductory verse (v. 24a) parable of the tares link (13:24 b-30) for the next two parables (vv. 31a.33a). Topic "seeding" is also the theme of the previous parable; from the hook is "sown" (speiro), "like" (sperma) and "field" (Agros). Two short parable, the mustard seed and yeast (vv. 31-33), brings us to the discourse about the parables Jesus preached to the public. The parable of the mustard seed, with a similar sentence 13.24, is linked to the previous parable from the hook by the "man" (anthropos), "sow" (speiro), "fields" (Agros) and "same "(sperma). Men are more parable than differences. This parable has two parallel layout in the first part, there are different conclusions. Questions 34-35 lead to a conclusion for public discourse. Author Matthew brought readers back to cc. And 2-3 cc. 10:13. Verse 35b corresponding to Ps 78.2 LXX, because there are some complex en parabolais ("Open your mouth, I will tell the parables), while c. 35c does not correspond to a biblical text nor any belongs language Mt. With c. 36a, we are transported back to Mt 13.1-2: can text framed. question of the disciples accompanying Jesus' answer was to leave at c. 51, Jesus' question and answer of the disciples. 2. - If layout defines the structure of Mt familiar style, we can read that passage today of three parts A, B and C, with a sentence and a sentence as follows: Open (13:24 a) A. parable: (1) Parable 1: "tares" (13:24 b-30): a) Presentation of the (vv. 24b-26), b) piece of dialogue between the landlord and the servants (vv. 27-30), (2) Parable 2: "mustard seed" (13.31-32), (3) Parable 3: "Men" (13.33); B. Reason says in the parable (13:34-35) C. The parable of the tares is explained (13.36 to 42 c.'s 36 questions introduction): a) Explain each from a parable (vv. 37-39), b) "small post-apocalyptic" (vv. 40-43); Results (13.43). 3. - The special annotated - tares (Zizania, 25): This is a parasite grasses and noxious. Across the Middle East is full of weeds. It is considered a form of retrograde metamorphism, of wheat. In itself, there is a fifth emits a poison. - Rapeseed (31): Greek is kokkos sinapeos. Tree sinapi (translation: we "tree improvement") is a common vegetable plants inside Palestine, maybe three or four feet high, are growing with spreading branches. Its leaves can make vegetables. Seeds of it is not the smallest of seeds (about 1 mm diameter), but the smallest of seeds were sown one, is used as mustard, medicines and food for birds. Jewish Proverb particles using only what is smallest. Book Mishna considered black mustard plants (Brassica nigra) trees are planted out in the field. But in Palestine and elsewhere, it is grown in home gardens. - It's become a big tree (32): In the Old Testament, tree shelter for birds is a familiar image to express a powerful kingdom ensure protection of subjects (cf. Ed 17.23; 31 , 6; Dan 4.9, 11.18). In apocalyptic literature, or rabbinical Targum, "bird" symbolizes the Gentiles are pulling the crowds. Here, Mt highlights the eschatological character of the parable of the exaggerated size of the vegetables into "a tree". - The birds to nest on the branches (32): This information is not improbable, because the birds like to eat mustard seed. - Buried in (33): translation is "concealed" (enekrypsen). This goes from the context (cf. cc. 35.44) - three baskets of flour (33): "basket boats" are selected for translation from Greek saton. Saton is a unit of measurement of grain and flour, equivalent to 13-15 liters. This is a large amount of flour, leavening when they can make a cake to feed about 150 people. Matthew emphasizes the effectiveness of the enzyme. - Announced (35): The word "publication", ereugomai, rarely used. Is literally "revelation", but also can be "noisy", "blurted out", "express". - The scandals (40): In the Bible, skandala aimed at targeting things rather than people (cf. Mt 18.6 to 7). This is what makes other people "stumble" that is not the way to go strong in God. 4. - The meaning of the text Looking at life, I see God hidden in his situation, he did not intervene clearly evident. One can live without and against whom there seems to be no consequences whatsoever. He completely disappeared behind the forces and powers that dominate the world stage and are interfering in our lives drastically. All this situation is still a stumbling periodically makes people hard to respect God and trust in Him. This is also true for himself and works of Jesus, true to the whole community of the faithful is the church. By nature, we turn to the big, powerful, flashy, the obvious greatness, but we are not inclined to wait, patience perseverance. The teachings of Jesus today helps us rethink how thinking and our behavior. Jesus came not as a heroic victory, convincing and dominating people. The path and follow his work caused fatigue. His death in a state of helplessness and abandonment seem to provide a clear indication that he is not worth anything and we can not trust him. People will bring Jesus to the cross, which means they will continuously eliminate messenger until the messenger type is supreme. * The parable of the tares is explained (36-43) Jesus left the crowd is listening to him at this point and with the disciples in the house, place of origin (cf. 13.1). Now he teaches his disciples. Life is such disciples: life, they must learn to "single master" is Jesus (cf. 23.8). The author calls this a "parable of the tares of the field" (hey parabole respect tou zizanion agrou) for lessons targeted at this point. Jesus interpreted each image. In the cc list. 37-39 prepared for the application in cc. 40-43. Soweth the good seed is the Son of Man. To c. 41, we see the Son of man is the judge on earth. The holding is not the job of seeding, but harvesting and so is the whole history of the world. In Mt TM, the Son of Man is Lord of the trial, accompanying church journey through loneliness, suffering, to come to life again. Field is the world (rather than the Church, the Church has always existed only in mission to the world). The good seed are the children of the kingdom of heaven (cf. 8.12). We do not know exactly "children of the sun" is one, but the entire TM I showed how, instead of Israel, "the Gentiles" (ethne) bearing fruit (cf. 21.43) will be the "children of the kingdom of heaven." The tares are "children of the evil one." The enemy is the devil, it is still active, as in 13.19, in the moment. The harvest is the end of the world. Harvesters are the angels of the judgment. After the preparation explained, now Mt author expresses his concern; His emphasis on the negative aspects. Just as the landlord will collect the weeds at harvest and "burned with fire" (cf. 3.12), something like this would happen to the children at the close of the Evil Spirit. Here, on this ground, the facts "mixed up" with each other: the good side, there are the bad guys. This closeness is an offensive term. The disciples in the house do not have to belong to "those who make scandals" (skandala) and "those who do evil" (anomia), are both inside and outside the church. God does not intervene, stop the bad guys and stop action all the way to the unjust treatment of them? This is not the task of the Messiah: separate the wicked and establish healthy relationships in light permanently stars (cf. 3.12)? We remember the reaction of James and John when both groups are not welcome a Samaritan village: "do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them no?" (Lk 9.54). Jesus used parables to teach us that humans accept this mixed situation. The task is no clear separation and permanent peace with the evil people. The disciples gathered around him and teaches them His way; like him, they both again, they also have strolled through this path in this world. If in this earthly life, the situation is still near, yet separate, it does not mean that this situation will last forever, as well as bad as it is the same! Jesus said that the fate of the wicked who would later healed completely different. The good ones, for the strength to do the will of God, will be welcomed into the kingdom of God and belong to God's family, will be seen as his children (cf. 5.9). They will live in the light and joy of harmony; they too will shine true happiness. Others, having no interest in the will of God, followed selfishness and also want to entice people close to follow, will be excluded from this community. + Image Conclusions Through the weeds, Jesus speaks of God's patience for humans: in terms of vegetation, weeds can not turn into good rice, but on the spiritual level, bad guys can become a good person, if they are someone else mentioned example, the impact that they know how to use the blessings God has given to them. Through images and rapeseed leaven, Jesus shows that a condition is not well defined start does not mean the end of the world as well. Only until the end, when the tree has grown and improved powder leavening, people know there is something lurking in the mustard seed and the yeast. Also, the kingdom of heaven (God) is present on the ground, not fullness and bright, but the abundant strength, and will clear out at the end. So, who desire to belong to Christ, need to have a broad vision and patience. Thus, the kingdom of God has begun the work of evangelization, but the current situation is still modest (less than convincing) and not clear (the good bad guys are growing up together). Only after going through a long journey, in a twilight state, a new kingdom of God is a clear manifestation of the entire universe gathered to live in the peace of God. 5. - Suggestions contemplate 1. Working method man and true God differently. Standard servants, yet still express a desire to torment the people of God, like Jeremiah, Job, the Lord's poor. John the Baptist also shared the concern that the introduction of the Messiah will work aggressively: as ax already in place where the tree (cf. Mt 3,10), as fork eã ready to Andrew Rice (cf. Mt 3.11, Lk 3.17); a baptism of fire awaits all men (cf. Mt 3.11, Lk 3.16). It also created the group "the perfect" apart from the others: it was the Pharisees who were "separated", and those who Exeni at Qumran, "the children of light", "the righteousness ". This is the boss's servant in the parable. However, because of the understanding and infinite patience, God has and still behave differently. 2. Eliminate God does not want evil, wicked, mean that, but they want to live longer and live with good people. Surely he understood the rationale for the proposal of a servant, but he has to handle paradox, because the weeds better lives intertwined with rice, so if the weeds, it is difficult to avoid the rice spit good thing . Besides, if the rice weeds can not better (in botany), the bad guys can become good people (in spiritual life). Understanding and patience of God is to help others. On the other hand, the bad and the good together intertwined so sophisticated that it is not easy to dissociate. Actually, not to destroy the people that build the kingdom of God, but with patience and trust. 3. Mankind What is seen as an offensive term is actually a fungal infection in God's plan: the frail little and not detrimental but rather to create the conditions for future success . If the Kingdom of God become a self-satisfied about her and foremost a mustard seed, the kingdom's missing growth conditions. Just knowing we are weak, people rely on God, the new strong man (cf. 2 Cor 12.9). The faithful need to remove the fulcrum and the mundane pretext, become poor, humble, weak, to get the church property as divine Founder wanted to be. 4. Leaven parable reminds us that a pastoral approach that evangelizes remember: they are asked to live quietly, unassuming, small, to be able to transfer the power of the Gospel into the feel free world and transform the world from within. One other thought comes from 1 Peter 1.1 letter: "I am Peter, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who are picky about God, the travelers are scattered in the origin of life." The scattered Christians live, live diaspora status. In Greek diaspora is sowing action: What is the Christian God planted seeds in the world, to eventually become a worldwide field of God, bearing good fruits. Collectibles

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